Troubleshooting Guide

Start with this guide for solutions to common issues faced by Firezone admins and end-users.

Gateway not connecting

If you're trying to deploy a new Gateway and it's not connecting, try running some of the troubleshooting commands below to diagnose the issue.

If you deployed the Gateway using one of our Terraform examples, the Gateways are configured using the systemd deployment method.

Obtain a shell on the affected Gateway and check the status of the service:

sudo systemctl status firezone-gateway

Check the logs with:

sudo journalctl -u firezone-gateway.service

Some browsers break DNS routing

Some web browsers enable DNS-over-HTTPS by default, which can interfere with Firezone's DNS-based routing system. If you're experiencing issues connecting to DNS Resources in your browser, or notice that DNS resources aren't being routed through a Firezone Gateway when they should be, try disabling DNS-over-HTTPS using the appropriate method below.


  1. Go to about:preferences#privacy in the address bar.
  2. Scroll down to the "DNS over HTTPS" section.
  3. Ensure that "Off" is selected.
Firefox DNS-over-HTTPS settings


  1. Go to chrome://settings/security in the address bar.
  2. Scroll down to the "Advanced" section.
  3. Ensure that "Use secure DNS" is disabled.
Firefox DNS-over-HTTPS settings

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Or try searching the docs:
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Last updated: July 03, 2024