Create Resources


Resources define subnets, IP addresses, or DNS names you wish to manage access for.

To create a Resource, go to Sites -> <site name> -> Add a Resource.

Remember, Resources must be reachable by all Gateways in the same Site.

From there, you can select the type of Resource you want to create:

  • DNS: A domain name pattern to match.
    • By default, the pattern will only match the exact name you enter.
    • To match all subdomains recursively, use a double-wildcard, such as ** This will match,, and
    • To match all subdomains non-recursively, use a single wildcard, such as * This will match but not
    • To match a single character, use a question mark, such as us-east? This will match but not
    • Wildcards can be placed between domain components, e.g., foo.* will match or foo.** will match
  • IP: A single IPv4 or IPv6 address
  • CIDR: A range of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses in CIDR notation, such as or 2001:db8::/48

Note: Once a Resource is created, its address cannot be changed. Double-check to ensure the address entered is correct before creating the Resource.

Routing order for overlapping addresses

When multiple Resources' addresses overlap, the Resource with the more specific address will be used.

For CIDR Resources, an address with a longer prefix is more specific than a shorter one. For example: is more specific than IP Resources are essentially addresses with /32 prefix and thus always more specific than any other CIDR.

For DNS Resources, more specific loosely translates to less wildcards. In particular:

  • Resources without wildcards are always prioritized over wildcard domains: For example, is checked before *
  • Single-char wildcards (?) take priority over label wildcards (*): For example, ??? is checked before *
  • Label wildcards (*) take priority over catch-all wildcards (**): For example, * is checked before **

Address description

When creating a Resource, you'll be given the option to add an address_description. If given, this will be displayed in the Client's Resource list to help identify the Resource. If a URL is entered, it will be displayed as a clickable link.

Address description field

This is commonly used to show a different address to end users than the one used for routing, where field validations are more restrictive. This can be useful to provide a bookmark to a service like, or give hints for accessing the service, like

Traffic restrictions

Traffic restrictions

You can specify optional port range(s) and protocols on the Resource for finer access control, useful for restricting certain services while allowing others. Supported protocols currently include ICMP, TCP, and UDP.

One popular use case for traffic restrictions is segmenting access to individual services on a host. To do this, simply create a Resource for each service on the host you want to allow access to, and add the appropriate traffic restrictions to each one.

For example, create an Resource with the TCP/22 restriction to allow SSH access for your DevOps team, then add another Resource with the TCP/443 restriction to allow access to an HTTPS service for the rest of your organization.

The Internet Resource


The Internet Resource is a special Resource available on paid plans that allows you to route and ::/0 through Firezone in a full-tunnel configuration. It functions as a fallback for traffic that doesn't match any other Resource.

Unlike regular Resources, the Internet Resource can be disabled by end-users to prevent their internet access from being affected by Firezone if any issues arise. The Internet Resource is disabled by default in Client apps when it is first assigned a policy.

The Internet Resource is automatically enabled on Team and Enterprise plans. To use it, head to the main Sites section in the admin portal, and look for the Manage Internet Resource in the section at the bottom of the page.

This will take you to the Internet Site, a special system-managed Site dedicated to hosting the Internet Resource. Here you can deploy Gateways and manage Policies like any other Site.

Tip: Deploy geographically-dispersed Gateways to the Internet Site to provide lower latency for a remote workforce. Firezone automatically selects the closest Gateway to route traffic through.

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Last updated: February 19, 2025