

Sites represent a shared network environment that Gateways and Resources exist within. All Gateways and Resources in a Site must have unobstructed network connectivity to each other.

What is a Site?

A Site is a collection of Resources and Gateways that are logically grouped together. A Site can be a physical office location, a data center rack, a homelab network, VPC, or any other grouping that makes sense for your organization.

A Site can be as small as a single Gateway running on a single server managing the access to the Resources on that server, or as large as a data center network managing access to a cluster of servers.

Creating a Site

To create a Site, click the Sites tab in the left-hand navigation and then click the Add Site button. You will be prompted to enter a name for the Site.

Don't worry too much about the name of the Site now. You can always change it later.

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Last updated: April 10, 2024